Thursday, June 17, 2010

Entry 1 - Am I really doing this?

"Area Under the Curve." What's up with the blog title? How does that apply to early American cookery? (And, yes, I plan on making up some words... this is my first "blog" after all...cookery schmookery...)

So the AUC - area under the curve has long been part of my "career" vernacular. It means the total drug concentration in the blood plasma over a period of time. Pretty exciting.

But I started thinking, "What's our LIFE AUC?" How well do we live and explore the area under our own curve of living? How concentrated are our own daily experiences? Or, do we lose the chance to really 'live' because we are smothered in the pursuit of things, status, etc. I know I do!

Alas - on a trip with my family to Fort Pulaski near Savannah, GA... I found this cookbook. Oddly enough, I found a deep calling to simplify a bit, step back in time and explore history and good cooking. I'm learning a lot about history and cooking... but I suspect I'll learn more about myself on this journey.

So... as you know (if you're reading this blog), I invited my facebook friends to select a number between 12 and 157 correlating to a page in the cookbook, and I would cook in their honor. Much like a daily horoscope, it's fun trying to figure out what each selection means about each friend.

Here goes nothing. Well - maybe something - frontier cooking does NOT help shed the baby weight... My first blog. It's all about food, fb folks and fun. (Wait, that's a jingle from McDonalds. I smell irony here...) Thanks for joining me on the journey!

1 comment:

  1. Woo hoo! I'm your first comment, Steph! This is very exciting. I will be following your blog with eager anticipation. In fact, I've been thinking about starting a blog for some time, and I think I might be next. You and some other bloggy friends have been inspiring me. Good luck and I can't wait to read about your big cooking adventure!
